A Grand Day Out

7th September 2022 | posted in News

After the last few years, we’re all thankfully getting used attending large gatherings again on a regular basis, something we took for granted until March 2020.

Like going on holiday, being at weddings and parties, watching live music, and much more.

Like all organisations we had to quickly adapt to the pandemic and the subsequent measures that were introduced to slow the spread of the virus, and this meant, certainly in the very early stages, eliminating/minimising the face-to-face contact we had with our residents and staff.

One of the first ‘casualties’ was our annual resident conference, or the ‘Grand Day Out’ as we refer to it.

We had to postpone events in both 2020 and 2021, which was a great shame as it’s the biggest day of the year for us when it comes to getting residents under one roof and discussing issues which affect them as tenants of Railway Housing Association.

It was therefore very pleasing to welcome our residents back to our Grand Day Out at the end of June.

Held at the Marriot Hotel in York, over 50 residents attended this year’s event and most were doing so for the first time so as well as seeing lots of new faces, it also helped to stimulate lots of interaction and good debate.

There were some ‘serious’ parts to the day, such as looking at energy efficiency and the challenges we face as we attempt to meet Government targets for all housing associations to achieve zero carbon status by 2050, but there were lots of fun elements too, including a quiz, raffle, presentation of our good neighbour of the year award and a nice lunch.

It was clear that everyone enjoyed being back together again and the saying ‘you don’t know what you have until it’s gone’ was particularly apt in this case.

It certainly was a Grand Day Out.

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