Chief Executive blog

24th January 2017 | posted in News

You can read her blog below:

Fit and ready

 Ok, hands up. Who is doing dry January or is trying to lose weight this month after the excess of the festive season?

Personally, I think January is a miserable enough month to abstain from what makes you feel good.

For me it’s all about trying to keep fit; do that and the occasional glass of wine or bar of chocolate won’t hurt, all in moderation of course!

The same could be applied to the housing sector. 2016 was certainly an interesting year to be in housing. I think we were already to abstain when the Housing and Planning Act was passed and Brexit left us all uncertain on where we were headed.

But an unexpected change of prime minister meant some changes in direction for housing policy and 2017 should see the sector produce more homes of all types for the government, rather than just concentrating on home ownership.

In my own organisation, we are now underway on one of the biggest schemes in our recent history, a 73-home development in Darlington. When completed in 2018 the homes will be let to local people in housing needs at rents they can afford.

To enable us to proceed with a scheme like this we need to be fit and healthy and we do this by being well governed and financially managed. 

We have tremendous support from our Board, staff and residents, and despite everything that has been thrown at us in recent years, we remain very optimistic about the future.

In just two years’ time, we will be celebrating our 100th anniversary; that’s not bad for a little organisation like ours.

There’s still lots of work to do in the meantime, but we are looking forward to raising a glass to our achievements! 

You can read Anne's previous blogs on the 24 Housing website.

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