Hairdressing advice

26th June 2020 | posted in News

Hairdressers are allowed to work again from 4 July 2020.

Following this guidance will reduce the risk for you and the hairdresser who works in the hairdressing room or comes to your home, from catching the coronavirus (Covid19).

Hairdressers have to spend time within the ‘highest risk zone’ that could spread the coronavirus. This is the area in front of your face where splashes and droplets from your nose and mouth and the hairdresser’s nose and mouth, that may not be visible, could pass the virus between you and the hairdresser.

Your hairdresser should -

•Have an appointments system

•Allow time between appointments for washing or sanitising of their hands, visor, equipment and surfaces including chairs and door handles

•Check before your appointment that you don’t have any coronavirus symptoms i.e. high temperature, a new continuous cough, loss of sense of taste or smell

•Wear a full-face clear plastic visor

•Use disposable gowns and towels; or separate ones for each customer

•Be as quick as they can with your hair cut/treatment

•Limit the number of customers in the hairdressing room so customers can stay 2 metres/6 feet apart from each other at all times

•Avoid overrunning or overlapping appointments

•Encourage online or other contactless payments

•Not provide any reading materials, food or drinks or allow any to be shared between customers

•Ventilate the hairdressing room or the room in your home by opening windows

•Wash or sanitise their hands if they touch their face, cough or sneeze

•Cough or sneeze into disposable tissues, discard these immediately and wash their hands 

•Provide disposable tissues for your use if you need to cough or sneeze

•Not play any music or broadcasts that make conversation difficult and encourages shouting, because this increases the droplets from your mouth

•Change out of their work clothes as soon as they get home and wash these daily.

You should –

•Wash your hands or use hand-sanitiser before entering the hairdressing room

•Wear a face covering (see below)

•Arrive at the time of your appointment, not before

•Pay online or by another contactless method

•Not allow anyone else other than the hairdresser to be in the same room if you have your hair done at home

•Wash or sanitise your hands if you touch your face, cough or sneeze.

Safe use of face coverings:

•Wash your hands thoroughly with soap and water for 20 seconds or use hand sanitiser before putting a face covering on, and before and after removing it

•When wearing a face covering, avoid touching your face or face covering, as you could contaminate them with germs from your hands

•Change your face covering if it becomes damp or if you’ve touched it

•Continue to wash or sanitise your hands regularly

•If the face covering material is washable, wash it daily

•If it’s not washable, dispose of it immediately after use in your usual waste

•Practise social distancing wherever possible.


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