High satisfaction levels

17th November 2015 | posted in News

People living in homes owned by Railway Housing Association are among the most satisfied tenants in the UK, a new survey has revealed.

The Association recently underwent a STAR (Survey of Tenants and Residents), a nationally recognised standard satisfaction survey for all housing organisations.

Nearly 60% of our 1,400 residents responded to the survey which asked a range of questions relating to satisfaction. The key results were as follows:

  • 91% of residents are satisfied with service they receive (the national average is 77%)
  • 94% of residents said the Association has friendly and approachable staff
  • 93% of residents believe their rent provides value for money
  • 93% of residents are happy with their neighbourhood as a place to live
  • 88% of residents are satisfied with the Association’s repairs and maintenance service
  • 91% of residents are satisfied with the way the Association handles enquiries.
  • 90% of residents are satisfied with the quality of their home.

Areas which were identified for improvement in the independent survey carried out by Acuity included listening to residents’ views and acting upon them (82% of residents said they were satisfied), and improving levels of satisfaction among the 3% of ‘younger’ residents.

In the report Acuity say: “The results from the 2015 STAR survey illustrate that the vast majority of residents are still of the opinion that Railway Housing Association is providing a very good housing service, with no key satisfaction ratings lower than 80%.

“The maintenance of such high levels of satisfaction over a long period of time is not easy and the survey demonstrates the considerable time, care and commitment that must have been put in by the Association to achieve these results.”

Anne Rowlands, Chief Executive of Railway Housing Association, said: “We are pleased with the results of the survey which show our residents are very satisfied with their home and the services we provide as an Association.”

“We will not be resting on our laurels however. We always strive for continuous improvement so we will be looking to increase satisfaction levels further in all areas.

"For example, we know that many residents consider car parking to be a problem, so after surveying our schemes we are now in the process of developing a plan to address this issue.

“We are also currently in the process of developing our business strategy for the next five years. We have already consulted with our residents at their annual conference and the views of residents from this survey will also be taken into account when finalising our plans.

“We would like to thank the residents who took part in the survey; their comments are very important to us.”

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  • High satisfaction levels - Railway Housing Association

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