Involving residents

26th September 2018 | posted in News

We were pleased to welcome 49 residents, including many new faces, to our annual gathering at the Marriott Hotel.

The theme of the day was involving residents and led by our facilitator, Jackie Grannell from the Tenant Participation Advisory Service (TPAS), we asked attendees to help us shape the future of resident involvement in the management of the association.

This involved a number of exercises, including looking at what resident involvement means and what are the barriers to becoming involved.

This then led to residents designing their own leaflet to publicise resident involvement and suggesting ways of encouraging more residents to be involved. These included using the newsletter and social media to engage with more residents and feature residents who are currently involved; and promoting it to new residents a few months after they have settled into their new home..

All attendees said that they had enjoyed the day, with 47% rating it as excellent, 44% as very good and 9% as good. 

“Gave opportunity for everyone to have their day”

“Good fun, great ideas”

After a lovely lunch and a chance for residents to ask questions of our team in the quick query clinic the fun began with our annual quiz. This was followed by a raffle with a first prize of a night at the Marriott, won by Mr Dempsey and Ms Patrizi from Sunderland.

As well as our good neighbour of the year award, we also presented our award for the best value for money suggestion received from residents and staff in 2017/18. This went to Sue Arrowsmith, our Housing & Lettings Coordinator, for her suggestion of using a national database for energy performance certificates for our properties, which resulted in savings of £1,650.


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