Residents' survey

16th April 2024 | posted in News

Railway Housing Association is developing a new customer engagement strategy and we would welcome feedback from people living in our homes.

Our goal is to ensure that we provide a variety of methods for meaningful and acessible engagement, maintain effective communication with our residents and accurately measure the impact of our engagement efforts.

We have asked housing management consultancy, Campbell Tickell, to support in developing this strategy. As part of this work, we’d love to hear your thoughts and feedback to ensure your voice is heard

We invite you to take a few minutes to complete this brief survey, which aims to gather your feedback on various aspects that will inform our new customer engagement strategy. You can also access the survey by using the camera on a smartphone and pointing it at the QR code opposite.

There is also an opportunity to win a £30 voucher! As a thank you for your time, we’re entering all completed surveys that opt-in into a prize draw and five people stand a chance of winning a £30 voucher each.  

It should only take about 10-15 minutes to complete and will close at 5pm on the 26th of April 2024. Please rest assured that your responses will remain confidential and will be seen only by the team at Campbell Tickell. No individual answers will be identifiable or shared directly with Railway.

Thank you very much for your help and time.

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  • Residents' survey - Railway Housing Association

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