Taking Shape

15th January 2021 | posted in News

I am pleased to announce that Railway Housing Association is involved in a take-over.

But before our residents and staff start to worry, no, were not being swallowed up by a large housing association (we’ve been doing pretty well on our own for over 100 years after all), but by PlaceShapers.

This a national network of community-based social housing providers, of which we are one of nine members in the North East region.

And this month, the organisers of the North East network are taking over PlaceShapers’ social media channels to let the nation know about the great work housing providers are doing in the region and spotlighting each member.

Later this week (Thursday), you will be able to see yours truly in a video I recorded about PlaceShapers and we will be getting involved in other ways too, such as sharing stories about recent developments.

The reason we chose to join PlaceShapers is that it is made up of like-minded individuals dedicated to putting residents at the heart of everything we do.

As a smaller member, it’s great to be part of a larger collective network which gives us a greater voice and to be able to tap into training and advice when we need it.

So, to be part of the North East takeover of PlaceShapers this month is an honour and hopefully it will enable us to showcase our work to an even wider audience nationally, whether it’s sharing the fantastic work we are doing by building more affordable homes or what we are doing in supporting our residents during these difficult times.

PlaceShapers, you can take us over any time!


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