VE-Day anniversary

29th April 2020 | posted in News

The anniversary of Victory in Europe Day was set to be a significant occasion with the May bank holiday moved and largescale events planned to commemorate the landmark.

This is no longer possible due to the Covid-19 crisis, but you can still get involved in ensuring this important day gets the attention it deserves.

Special activity packs for adults and children from the Royal British Legion and the National Memorial Arboretum can help you mark the anniversary from your home by reading about VE Day and taking part in activities. The packs include puzzles, recipes, extracts from Churchill speeches, lyrics to war songs and much more. 

Download them from the National Memorial Arboretum website here.       

Out of lockdown this would have been a very special anniversary and it’s important that this isn’t lost.

We hope the packs help individuals and families engage with and celebrate the 75th anniversary of VE Day in a really positive way.

Please let us know how you marked the 75th anniversary of VE-Day by posting on our Facebook page.


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